The Meridian Flow Wheel

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Meridian Direction Flow:

Yang Meridians - From the sun (top) and downwards, or from the finger tips (outwards) to inwards towards the center of the body. Meridians are located along the back side of the body (except for stomach meridian).

Yin Meridians - From the earth (bottom) and upwards, or from the center of the body and outwards towards the finger tips. Meridians are located along the inside of the body.

Energy flows in one infinite direction:

  1. From torso (center) to fingertips (along inside of arm) -- Yin

  2. From fingertips and inwards towards head/face (along outside/back of arm) —— Yang

  3. From head/face downwards towards the feet (along outside/back of legs) —— Yang

  4. From feet upwards towards the torso (along inside of the leg) —— Yin