Root Chakra
Traumas and Blockages
Feelings of lack
Detachment from reality
Disorganization, clutter
Fear, doubt, anxiety
Childhood Traumas
Sexual Traumas
Generational Traumas
Meridian Caressing
Tutorial Walk-through
I am healthy
I am wealthy
I am loved
I am abundant
I am grateful for my blessings
I am present and grounded
I am protected
I am stable and secure
My body is my temple
My home is my sanctuary
Issues associated with the legs, knees, and feet.
Issues with the organs of elimination
Issues with the sexual organs
lower back pain
Mental and emotional symptoms includes fear, lack, instability, insecurity, detachment, doubt, and anxiety.
Associated Meridians
Circulation Sex Meridian - Hormones, impotence, prostrate issues, sacrum, sexual issues, sore buttocks
Gall bladder - Arthritis, hip issues, leg pain (side of leg)
Bladder - Ankle pain/weakness, arthritis, back pain, calf pain, fallen arches/flat feet, joint pain, osteoporosis, sciatica
Small Intestines - Knee pain, weakness in legs
Garland Pose
Opens your hips and groin
Tones abdominals
Keeps pelvic and hip joints healthy
Thunderbolt Pose
Improves posture and tones pelvic muscles
Aids in digestion and relieves indigestion
Stretches thighs, ankles, knees, and feet
Corpse Pose
Calms the Central Nervous System
Reduces stress, headache, fatigue and anxiety
Helps lower blood pressure